skin consultation

Your skin is as unique as you are, so the one-size-fits-all concept just doesn’t cut it any more. Leave it to the experts, with just a few questions we will create a skincare formula that is just right for you, the one that helps the skin achieve its own ideal balance for a clear, radiant, youthful complexion.
Answer all questions on the personal skin consultation found here on our website and in less than 72 hours we customise a serum or a complete 3 step package based on your concerns.

This consultation form is to make sure you are not contra-indicated to any essential oils used in your personal blend. Bespoke products are tailored to meet your individual requirements and essential oils are blended to have a therapeutic effect.

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)

Which products are you interested in?
Johairba for womenJohairba for men

What are your skin concerns?

What is your skin type?


Where will you be spend the next 6 months?

Warm to hot climateTemperate climateCold climate

How would you spend an average day?

Outside under direct sunOutside but mostly shadedIndoorsIndoors and in air-conditioning/heating

Acne breakouts: How would you describe your breakouts, if any?
BlackheadsBlemishesCystsSubsurface Bumps

Daily care: How does your skin feel at the end of the day without using any skincare products?

What is your skin tone like?

Dryness: Is your skin dry or uncomfortable even when you moisturize?

Where do you feel you need more firming and/or lifting?
ForeheadCheeksNeckUnder the eyes

How do you describe your skin’s overall appearance?

Do you have any redness of skin?

How would you describe your lines/wrinkles?

Are you noticing any pores?
SmallSmall to MediumMedium - EnlargedVery enlarged

Do you experience skin sensitivity?

What is your smoking history?

Throughout your life, how much sun exposure and/or indoor tanning have you had?

What’s your age group? Skin's condition changes over time. We ask your age only so we can provide the most accurate and effective skincare consultation

How does your skin feel in the evening without moisturizer?


Forehead, nose and chin:

How would you describe your skin colour?

Do you experience sensitivity to essential oils?

If yes, which ones?

Help us understand the world you live in?
Suburban LivingInner city LivingOutdoor LifestyleFrequent Air TravelExtreme Altitude/Temperatures

How many hours do you sleep? Sleep can affect your skin’s well-being

What are your stress levels like?

Anything else you would like to add?

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